About Us

12438989_10204987406837159_634750220303884747_nMustard Seed Ministry is a good faith company that was conceived in a New York Theological Seminary classroom back in 2000 under the leadership of Reverend La’Rae Hardy-Shabaka, when a former Professor asked the entire group “HOW WILL YOU TAKE YOUR MINISTRY BEYOND THE CHURCH DOORS?”  As a result everything that has occurred in the life of Reverend Shabaka and Mustard Seed Ministry for the past 25 years has been rooted in “Going Beyond the Doors.”

unnamed-2 Rev. Shabaka has been able to effectively blend ministry and leadership globally and locally.  She has the skill set to bring teams together, to enrich and empower diverse audiences.  She is a committed servant leader and will work to help you find your ministry niche.  As a Mustard Seed believer, under her leadership she developed sustainable ministries that  have taken kingdom building  principles and missionary work to another level, globally and locally.  
As a Mustard Seed Ministry planter she has worked in the areas of:

          • Education and career development
          • Ministry development and sustainability
          • Spiritual development and Church assimilation
          • Personal development, Relationships and marriage

She is a firm believer with an unwavering faith  that only what is done for Christ shall last. While facilitating workshops, she has helped missionaries find their  spiritual voices as they transition from spectating to participating in international and national Kingdom building for the cause of the Gospel.  
Reverend La’Rae Hardy-Shabaka is a global missionary that has travelled abroad for the cause of Christ.   She is a former Health Care Executive and she has a  passion for higher education, creating job opportunities , training, empowerment, mentoring  helping the youth, elderly and disabled rise above the circumstances of oppression and poverty. 
She and her husband Dr. Samuel Shabaka, have the heart and spirit to go ye therefore.  As a result their travels abroad between South Africa and West Africa, they are now building A Nubian Cultural Exchange Program, with emphasis on ministering to those affected by the African Diaspora and the transatlantic enslavement of Africans.  Their concern and common ground is education, equality, mental and spiritual wellness for those that feel disenfranchised.  Dr. Shabaka and Rev. Shabaka work collaboratively with individuals and families collectively help them develop coping skills that will keep them holistic and empowered.
All of these great achievements  and opportunities have been made possible by God and God alone.  Due to God’s greatness we are surrounded by a great cloud of skilled & talented witnesses.  With this team of believers the Nubian Culture Exchange program is REAL! 